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22 October, 2010

Man has 700,000 pounds house stolen after leaving for a week by dark-skinned Italian squatters.

Well, I was talking to Graham and he sent me an article from yesterday, and it turns out that while this man(Mr.Gupta, most likely an Indian) had his house taken over by 15 dark skinned Italians while he was gone for a week, yes I know he isn't white, but nor are these squatters(they may be Italian, but Aryan Italians are alot more light). Now this takes place in London, so the cops can not do anything due to the fact that it is civil matter and not a criminal matter, which is some bullshit if you ask me. So instead of the police protecting this house, they make the man have to go to court to evict these shit-skinned boors, and it will fucking take two weeks for this most likely. Now if this was me, I would have pulled out a gun and shot them dead in their tracks, but this is London so it's different. You've heard my opinion, post your own down in the comments. Hope to hear from you soon!

P.S. I'll even let everyone post! I wish to keep it civil and have a nice debate.


Hello, Welcome to our new blog! A little introduction to me and the blog,

Hello, I'd first like to say hello for visiting my blog. I hope you like it here as we advance and do more news, album reviews, and political debates. I hope you're an Aryan, cause if you're not then you want to get out of my blog before I fucking curb stomp you. I'd like to start by saying I'm 100% Aryan, I've got blond hair and bright blue eyes. I'm taller and skinny. I am a nationalist metal head obviously and I believe in national socialism to an ultra point. I'm tired of democracy and how the government won't listen to my race, an armed revolution must happen! Russia is soon to go under that revolution and I will be on the front lines crossing the skulls of pedophiles, rapists, commies, and other scum! I hope you enjoy it here, I'll have an article up after the other(currently only me and him, I hope to have others later on) writes his introduction. Have fun! SIEG HEIL AND 14/88!